Russell Davies
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Short Third Person Bio:
Russell Davies is a writer and strategist. He thinks about what happens when organisations and services meet the internet and he builds things to find out more. He's worked on communications and digital strategies for organisations like Honda, Nike, Microsoft, Apple, the Government Digital Service and the Co-op. He's currently Marketing and Product Director for The Modern House.
Less Short Third Person Bio:
Russell Davies is a writer and strategist. He's spent thirty years working with organisations like Nike, Apple, Microsoft, Honda and LOCOG (London 2012) figuring out what happens when organisations and services meet the internet. He was Director of Strategy for the Government Digital Service, CEO of Doteveryone and Chief Marketing Officer for Bulb.
He cofounded Newspaper Club and RIG, is a Contributing Editor for Wired Magazine and is an investor in Run An Empire, Surfboard, Juno and Breakroom.
In his spare time he's been blogging regularly since 2003, made a BBC programme (mp3) about the 'Internet of Things', organised the Interesting conferences and written a book about great British cafes. He talks regularly at tech/culture conferences and relentlessly mucks about on the internet. As far as he knows he's the only person ever to have won an APG Gold Award for Planning and a DandAD Black Pencil for Writing.
His work has featured at the Museum of Modern Art in New York and the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition.